Pinewood Derby
Pack 1225's Pinewood Derby
Car & track testing
Run your car on the track so you can tune it up & see if it meets the rules.
Scout cars must meet Golden Arrow District requirements (see attached file).
Adult race is Maverick (not full outlaw, restrictions apply)
weight may be up to 10.000 ounces
cars may use a propulsion method in addition to gravity/weight
propulsion must be able to be manually reset for each race heat
propulsion may not use chemicals or otherwise cause possible damage to the track
meet length and width official derby rules (so it can fit on the track)
Car check-in
Derby car must be successfully checked-in in order to race.
Race Day
The Derby will be held at the Resurrection Lutheran Church, 1919 Independence Parkway, Plano. Snacks, lunch foods, and drinks will be available as a fundraiser. This is a family event so bring the grandparents, uncles, cousins, and anyone else who might enjoy the race.
Concession stand fundraiser
Class A uniform
"Be Fast... or Look Good Trying"
The pinewood derby is one of the most popular and successful family activities in Cub Scouting. Pinewood derby cars are small wooden models that Cub Scouts make with help from their families. Then they race the cars in competition. The cars are powered by gravity and run down a track. Every scout, parent, & sibling can design and build his/her own "grand prix" car to enter in the race.
Car kits available for purchase for Sibling & Adults ($5).
Race Day Highlights
There will be three divisions...
The Scout Derby - the three fastest cars per den qualify to compete for Pack victory and to race in the Golden Arrow District Pinewood Derby. Top 3 from each Pack 1225 & Pack 480 will battle for the top 3 derby spots and the giant traveling trophy!
The Sibling Derby -Scout brothers and sisters can enter their own cars following Cub Scout car rules.
The Maverick Derby - a no holds barred race for the more enthusiastic adult types! Start with an official derby car kit and apply your mad design skills with some limits.
Prizes and Recognition
The Derby is about doing one's best and having fun, so all child participants will be recognized. But that doesn't mean our race winners won't take home some shiny hardware.
Derby Workshops
Mike's Hobby Shop Superstore & Raceway.
Temporarily closed due to expansion/re-location of the store.
Pat Hardage
Available Dec 17th - January 31st 2015
Cost is a flat rate of $43.00 for a ready to race (meets ALL the requirements) car! If you let him know ahead of time, he can provide outlaw goodies to really beef up your race car.
Equal Ground
All entries in the derby will start with the "Official Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Kit" which includes the body, 4 axles, and 4 wheels. All nine pieces MUST be used before the car can race. The kits are sold at the local Scout Shop or online or are available for purchase from Douglas Lindstrom. All active Scouts should have received a kit at the November pack meeting. Parent and siblings may purchase a kit for $5 from either the scout shop or Mr. Lindstrom. Cars may not exceed 5 ounces in weight and must conform to certain size restrictions and specifications. Decorating the cars are up to the imagination of the boys.
Printable Rules
See attached files below.